There can be multiple parties liable for an Uber accident. In many instances, an Uber driver is financially accountable for any costs associated with an accident. However, there can be instances in which Uber and other parties can also be held responsible.
At John Foy & Associates, we can put you in touch with an attorney who can help you seek damages relating to an Uber accident. You discuss your case with a Georgia Uber accident lawyer from our team and decide if now is the time to pursue damages. Meanwhile, we can answer common questions about who is liable in an Uber accident.
What Is an Uber Accident?
Uber is a ridesharing platform that allows drivers to pick up passengers and earn money for taking them from point A to point B. The platform is used by millions of people across the United States. It enables passengers to quickly and easily request a ride using a mobile app.
An Uber accident involves an Uber driver and another motorist or pedestrian. Like any other car accident, an Uber accident can result in injuries and other damages. Anyone responsible for an Uber accident can be sued for damages as well.
If you are involved in an Uber accident in Georgia, it may be time to seek legal help. You can partner with a Georgia Uber accident attorney who can take a look at your Uber accident. From here, your attorney can help you file a lawsuit against anyone who caused your accident.
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Why Do Uber Accidents Occur?
Common reasons why Uber accidents happen include:
Failure to Comply with the Rules of the Road
An Uber driver must follow speed limits and other driving regulations, regardless of when and where this individual is traveling. If an Uber driver ignores the rules of the road, this individual can cause an accident. In this scenario, the driver is accountable for their negligence.
Distracted Driving
It is common for an Uber driver to frequently look at their smartphone while behind the wheel. Yet, distracted driving can lead to an accident. A distracted Uber driver can cause an accident that results in injuries and other damages.
Lack of Experience
There are minimal requirements to become an Uber driver. Even if a person lacks sufficient driving experience, this individual can work for Uber. On the other hand, this individual’s lack of experience can lead to poor decisions, along with accidents.
An Uber accident lawyer in Georgia knows the ins and outs of local laws. The attorney can evaluate an Uber accident and find out what parties are responsible for it. Next, the lawyer can help their client pursue economic and non-economic compensatory damages relating to their accident.
Who Can You Sue Due to an Uber Accident?
After an Uber accident, you can file a personal injury lawsuit against an Uber driver and the ridesharing company. There can be times when it is in a person’s best interest to file a lawsuit against both parties. At other times, it can be beneficial to sue an Uber driver or the ridesharing company.
An Uber accident attorney in Georgia evaluates each case as its own entity. The lawyer understands how Uber’s insurance policy applies to an Uber accident. Plus, the attorney knows the factors that impact who is at fault in an Uber accident.
Keep in mind that both motorists and pedestrians involved in accidents with Uber drivers can file lawsuits. Following an accident caused by an Uber driver, do not wait to pursue legal help. That way, you can sue any at-fault parties within a reasonable time frame.
How Can You Determine Whether to Sue an Uber Driver, Uber, or Both?
Before you file a personal injury lawsuit, you must consider whether an Uber driver was off the clock. If an Uber driver is not working when your accident occurs, you can sue the driver. Comparatively, if an Uber driver causes an accident while on the clock or between fares, you may want to sue both the driver and Uber.
It can be tricky to decide what parties to sue as part of an Uber accident lawsuit. If you consult with an Uber accident attorney, you can review all of your legal options. Then, you can make an informed decision about what parties to sue.
An Uber accident lawyer is committed to helping you secure the most damages possible in your lawsuit. Your attorney will examine the economic and non-economic damages you incurred during your accident. At this point, your lawyer can help you seek thousands of dollars in damages from any at-fault parties.
How Much Money Can You Get from an Uber Accident Lawsuit?
In Georgia, there is no restriction on the amount of damages you can request in an Uber accident lawsuit. If you are injured or incur property damage due to a negligent Uber driver, it is beneficial to get help from an attorney. When you do, your attorney can help you determine how much to request in economic and non-economic damages.
Economic damages can be awarded due to loss of wages, medical expenses, or other quantifiable losses associated with your Uber accident. You may receive non-economic damages for pain, suffering, and other subjective losses relating to your accident. In some Uber accident lawsuits, plaintiffs are awarded economic and non-economic damages.
By reaching out to an Uber accident lawyer, you can build a case that helps you secure damages you can use now and in the future. Your attorney will do everything in their power to help you present a compelling case to a judge or jury. With help from your attorney, you are well-equipped to receive the full amount of damages you initially request.
How Can You File an Uber Accident Lawsuit?
At John Foy & Associates, we can help you sue anyone responsible for your Uber accident. We can connect you with an expert Uber accident attorney right away. To learn more or request a free consultation, please contact us today.
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