Ask ten people who Atlanta’s best car accident lawyer is and you’ll get ten different answers. And that’s no surprise, considering how many attorneys accept accident claims in the Atlanta area. But not all of these attorneys produce the same results for their clients—and there are ways to tell which ones are truly the best.
Here are 4 ways to find the best car accident lawyers, and skip the rest.
4 Ways to Find the Best Car Accident Lawyer
- Narrow down your search the easy way. Almost any attorney will say they take on car accident cases. But car accidents are part of personal injury law, which is just one of dozens of fields of law an attorney can practice. Do you think someone is just as good at injury cases if they also try to do bankruptcy, criminal defense, corporate contracts, and tax law? Probably not. Choose a firm that focuses exclusively on injury and accident cases—they will have more experience on your specific type of case.
- Don’t take anyone who plays both sides. A lot of car accident lawyers also do work defending companies against claims from injury victims. This makes sense from a business perspective, since corporate clients often pay big money. But we think that a lawyer should believe in what they’re doing, and care about helping victims. At John Foy & Associates, for example, we work only on behalf of the injured—and we believe it makes us better at doing our jobs.
- Look at their trial record. Lawyers will often say how many years of experience they have, but leave out how often they get results. “Results” in a car accident case can mean actually winning in court, or it can mean reliably bringing back large settlements without a trial. Either kind of victory is good, but your attorney should be able to show you the kinds of verdicts and settlements they’ve won for other clients in a situation similar to yours.
- If a lawyer sounds like they care about your case, they’re likely to work harder for you. Some people get into law because they’re truly passionate about helping people. That’s who you want on your case. When you go in for a consultation, ask yourself: what kind of gut feeling do I get from this attorney? Do they listen? Do they seem to care? Do I feel like they have my best interests at heart? This will often tell you more about how hard they’ll fight for you than any other factor.
Get the strong arm
You don’t Have to be Wealthy to Get the Best Lawyer
There’s one other factor to consider: cost. Many people fear that lawyers will charge high hourly rates, and that only a rich person can hire the best car accident attorney. Thankfully, that’s not really true.
In fact, the opposite is true—we find it questionable if a lawyer charges an accident victim by the hour. It’s a bad sign because it means the lawyer gets paid whether they win money for the victim or not. That’s not a healthy arrangement!
What you should look for in a good car accident lawyer is a contingency fee. Contingency means that if you win money, they get a percentage of it—but you always keep the majority by a long shot. If you don’t recover any money at all, then you owe the lawyer nothing.
We believe this is the best practice a car accident lawyer can use.
Talk to the Best Car Accident Lawyers in Atlanta—for Free
At John Foy & Associates, we check all of the boxes above, and we’d like to believe we are among the best car accident lawyers in the Atlanta area. But you don’t have to believe us—our 5-star client reviews, our America’s Top 100 Attorneys award, and the nearly $1 billion we’ve recovered for clients all speak for themselves.
Let John Foy & Associates give you a free consultation and help you with your case. We charge nothing if we don’t get you money. Call us at 404-400-4000 or fill out the form to your right and get your FREE consultation today.
404-400-4000 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form