Every car accident involves one or more drivers. The drivers are the people behind the wheel and in control of the vehicles when the accident happens. Under Georgia law, whichever driver is at fault is liable for the cost of the accident—for all parties involved, including the other driver and any passengers or pedestrians.
If you were driving and you got into an accident, however, you may not be at fault at all. Since most car accidents involve two vehicles, one driver is usually at fault and the other is the victim. The victim is entitled to having all of their costs paid. That includes your medical costs, car repairs, and any lost wages caused by missing work because of the accident.
How do I know which driver was at fault?
The best thing to do if you were involved in an accident is speak to a car accident lawyer. They can help you understand how the court will see the accident, and which driver is likely to be at fault. In Georgia, you can then choose to file a claim either with your own insurance company or with the other driver’s insurance company. It’s also possible that both drivers share the fault, in which case you could get some of your costs paid even if you were partly responsible for the accident.
Have you been involved in an accident? John Foy & Associates offers a FREE consultation with some of the most experienced and respected personal injury lawyers in Georgia. Fill out the form to your right or call us at 404-400-4000 to get your FREE consultation today.