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The drug Protonix has brought welcome relief to many who suffer from heartburn and acid reflux. But this drug and other proton pump inhibitor (PPI) medications have a frightening side effect: they can cause long-term kidney disease.
If you have taken Protonix and are now experiencing kidney problems, you may want to contact a lawyer. A reputable Protonix kidney disease lawsuit attorney can help you hold the drug manufacturer liable. You could receive compensation for treatment, pain, and other damages.
What Is Protonix?
Protonix, also known as pantoprazole, is part of a class of drugs known as proton pump inhibitors, or PPIs. PPIs are used to treat stomach ulcers and acid reflux. Most heartburn medicines neutralize the acid in your stomach, but PPIs prevent the stomach from forming acid.
In your stomach, there are cells devoted to making acid, which kills bacteria and helps you digest food. Protonix decreases the amount of acid that the stomach produces by blocking the “proton pump.” Your stomach then can’t make as much acid, and you begin to see relief from your symptoms. If you use a PPI for too long, however, you can develop serious side effects.
Protonix Manufacturers in Lawsuits Related to Kidney Damage
Several manufacturers have been named as parties in lawsuits due to their products having severe side effects that allegedly caused kidney injuries. Your Protonix kidney disease lawsuit attorney can help you hold these companies liable for their negligence. These manufacturers and their products include:
- AstraZeneca: Nexium, Prilosec
- Pfizer: Protonix (pantoprazole)
- Procter & Gamble: Prilosec OTC (omeprazole)
- Takeda Pharmaceuticals: Dexilant (dexlansoprazole) and Prevacid (lansoprazole)
In addition to kidney disease, these manufacturers have been accused of producing products that can cause kidney injury and failure, as well as acute interstitial nephritis (AIN). In some cases, victims claim the manufacturer knew the inherent risks associated with their products for years and did nothing to pull them off the market.
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The Uses of Protonix
Protonix and other PPIs such as Prilosec and Prevacid are supposed to be used over a relatively short time period to reduce acid and relieve certain stomach conditions. The three uses for Protonix are:
- Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD), which affects the band of muscle between the esophagus and the stomach. The muscle that is supposed to shut tightly, preventing acid and food from the stomach from moving into the esophagus, does not work properly, causing heartburn and chest pain.
- Stomach ulcers. When the protective layer in the stomach thins or is damaged by stomach acid and sores appear in the stomach lining, known as a peptic ulcer, people can have a burning sensation or pain feeling between their breastbone and navel.
- Treating stomach damage caused by NSAIDs. NSAID is an over-the-counter pain relief and anti-inflammatory medicine, such as aspirin, ibuprofen (Advil and Motrin) and naproxen (Aleve), that can damage your stomach lining if you take too much.
When Protonix is taken for a short time for any of these conditions, it can provide much-needed relief. The problem occurs when Protonix is taken over a long period of time or for conditions it’s not recommended for. If you have used this medication for any of these reasons and have experienced negative and life-altering effects, speak to your doctor and attorney immediately.
Protonix Can Be Misused
The effectiveness of Protonix can make it vulnerable to misuse. The two ways Protonix is commonly misused are:
- Overprescribing. PPIsare meant to be a short-term solution, but it can be prescribed multiple times because of its effectiveness. Unfortunately, this can cause severe harm.
- Prescribing with steroids. Sometimes, when doctors prescribe steroids to treat a condition, they prescribe Protonix too. The theory is that Protonix will prevent stomach damage due to the steroids. But in up to 90% of cases where PPIs were prescribed with steroids, this was not medically necessary.
When Protonix is misused, the consequences can be grave—including serious kidney damage. Protonix kidney disease lawsuit lawyers have experience helping victims of this medication get the justice and compensation they deserve to recover from their physical and financial pain.
Protonix and Its Connection to Kidney Disease
Evidence is becoming clear that prolonged use of Protonix can lead to kidney disease. By its purpose to block stomach acid, the digestive process becomes more difficult and deficiencies in essential minerals such as calcium and magnesium can occur.
When the body doesn’t get these minerals in sufficient quantities, the kidneys can become inflamed, a condition known as interstitial nephritis. Symptoms of this condition include a decreased quantity of urine, fever, or blood in the urine, or even no symptoms at all. The progression of this condition leads to chronic kidney disease.
Protonix and Stomach Cancer
Studies have also linked the use of Protonix to an increased risk of stomach cancer. The BMJ indicated that the risk of developing stomach cancer may be three times higher in those who have used Protonix long-term. Our personal injury attorneys can review your claim if you believe you or a loved one developed stomach cancer as a result of the long-term use of Protonix.
Protonix Can Lead to a Wrongful Death
Protonix has been connected to a progression from chronic kidney disease to kidney failure, also known as end-stage renal disease. If your loved one was diagnosed with end-stage renal disease and passed away because their kidneys no longer filtered their blood, you may be eligible to file a wrongful death claim on their behalf.
By filing this type of claim, family members can collect compensation for funeral and burial costs, loss of income and consortium, as well as the pain and suffering their loved one experienced. A Protonix wrongful death lawyer can advise you of any additional damages you may qualify to receive.
Compensation You May Receive from Filing a Protonix Lawsuit
When you suffer emotionally and financially as a direct result of injuries caused by Protonix, you deserve to be compensated for it. Protonix kidney disease lawsuit lawyers can help you recover damages that include:
- Medical expenses – This encompasses all past and future costs of medical treatment including adaptive medical devices, transportation assistance to get you to your doctor’s appointments, prescriptions, and surgeries.
- Lost wages – If you need to take time off from work or go on unpaid leave, your lost wages should be covered.
- Pain and suffering – It can be hard to put a price on how significant your pain is, your attorney can help you assign a monetary value to this.
- Emotional distress – This emotional damage can include depression, insomnia or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) caused by your injuries, medication, and pain.
Talk to a Protonix Kidney Disease Lawsuit Lawyer
If you took Protonix and you are having kidney problems, you likely have good reason to be a part of the lawsuit. The manufacturer has put the public at risk and should be held accountable for its negligence. Our Protonix kidney disease lawsuit attorneys at John Foy & Associates are equipped to take on the “big guys” at drug companies and get you the financial relief you need.
Kidney disease can’t be cured, but it can be managed. And we’d like to get you the money you need to take care of yourself and get the most out of your life. Call us or fill out our form online to get started with your FREE consultation today.
404-400-4000 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form